Let me tell you right now, everyone can sing! My biggest pet peeve is when people say “Oh, you don’t want to hear me sing, I can’t sing.” Occasionally there is the rare person who for medical reasons has a much harder time singing in tune but for the majority of people singing is within your reach. You just need to know the best way to do so.


10 Reasons Why I Call Your Excuses BS:

1. If you can speak you can sing. You use the same muscle for both!

2. If you breathe you can sing because singing is created with air!

3. Singing is a matter of letting the vocal mechanism relax and using breath support to make sound.

4. Everyone has a unique voice and deserves to enjoy the confidence to sing out loud.

5. No you aren’t tone deaf! You might need to spend some time practicing pitch matching and finding a great teacher can help you do this.

6. Singing is a learned skill not just innate talent.

7. Singing is for everyone not just the talented few.

8. Believing you can’t sing is a self-fulfilling prophecy. You CAN sing!

9. Vocal training can help give you the confidence you need to believe that you can sing

10. The person who told you (with words/or actions) is not the judge of whether or not you are capable of singing.